News List of Art movements Posted on 03/02/201701/12/2021 by HKT Consultant A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 & other A abstract art abstract expressionism action painting actualism aerial perspective aestheticism all-over painting art informel art of the Third Reich arte mat arte povera arts and crafts movement asymmetry automatism B bauhaus blaue reiter body art C camera lucida camera obscura Caravaggism chiaroscuro classicism COBRA cold art color field painting conceptual art concrete art constructivism costruzione leggitima cubism D dada de stijl decorum die brucke divisionism E earth works ecological art electronic art environment art equilibrium event-structure expressionism F Fauvism feminist aesthetics formalism Freudian aesthetics fundamental art futurism G H happening Hogarth’s line humanism I idealization ideoplastic illusionism imagism impressionism J Jungian aesthetics K kalte kunst kinetic art L land art lettrism Lysippan proportions M magic realism mannerism Marxist criticism minimalism modernism movimento spaziale Munsell’s theory N naturalism Nazarene brotherhood Nazi art neo-classicism neo-impressionism Neue Sachlichkeit nouveau rialisme nouvelle tendance O op art orphism P perspective photo-realism picture plane picturesque pointillism Polyclitan school pop art post-Impressionism post-modernism post-painterly abstraction Poussinism pre-Raphaelite primitivism process art proportion purism purism (of ‘machine art’) Q R rayonism realism regionalism romanticism Rubenism S scapigliatura section d’or simultaneisme situationism socialist realism sotto in su spatialism structurism sublimity suprematism surrealism symbolism synchromism synthetism T tachism trompe I’oeil U ut pictura poesis V verismo virtual reality vorticism W X Y Z 0-9 & other Please wait while you are redirected...or Click Here if you do not want to wait. List of Theological Belief Systems Political Theories and Concepts
22 Feb 2017
21 Feb 2017
22 Feb 2017
2 Feb 2017
24 Feb 2017
1 Jan 2017